Call for papersThe scientific committee welcome submissions in various areas of Digital Innovation & Financing for presentation at the conference no later than April, 15 2018. The main tracks of the conference are the following (non-exhaustive): · Digital transformation, Strategy and Competitiveness of firms AND 12 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (Mini - workshops)
Interested contributors should submit preferably full papers in PDF files (in English or French), but extended abstracts (1,000 to 1,500 words) may also be considered if they show considerable promise, no later than April 15, 2018 through the conference website: PAPER SUBMISSION. Early submission is highly encouraged and decision is made as soon as the peer-review is completed.
Submissions and presentations at the conference can be in English or French. Les sessions seront en français ou en anglais. Vous pouvez donc soumettre vos résumés ou articles en français ou en anglais.
References Anderson, C. (2014). Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, Crown Business. Bryniolfsson, E. MCAfee, A. (2014). The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies, W. W. Norton & Company. Elia, G., Margherita, A., Petti, C. (2016). An Operational Model to Develop Technology Entrepreneurship “EGO-System, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, online only. Kelly, K. (2016). The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future, Viking.