Special Interest Groups

SIG 1: Digital Innovation and Family Firm

SIG Chair: Prof. Gérard HIRIGOYEN, Professor Emerita, University of Bordeaux 4

The sustainability of the family business lies on its ability to transform and innovate through time and environment evolutions. Taking into account that the digital innovation is crucial for the family business specialy in terms of opportunities and threats created, this innovation can also deeply change their business model. Despite this fact, many elements specific to these companies would plead for an easy integration of the digital challenge.
Thus, several questions are raised, among which we can select the following issues; Is the digital innovation have an impact on the family governance modelIs the time conception of the family business compatible with the digital innovation imperatives ? What's the impact of digital innovation on family business performance? How the family firm manager is facing the digital innovation? How to drive the change induced by digital innovation within family gouvernance; Older versus younger generation? And finally, how about changes in the family network culture within a digital innovation process?

Contact the chairman to submit your paper to this SIG: gerard.hirigoyen@u-bordeaux.fr


SIG 2: Cryptofinance and Mechanism of Exchange

SIG Chair: Dr. Stéphane GOUTTE, University of Paris 8  & Dr. Khaled GUESMI, IPAG Business School

The rapid advancement in encryption and network computing gave birth to new tools and products that have influenced the local and global economy alike. One recent and notable example is the emergence of virtual currencies, also known as cryptocurrencies or digital currencies. Virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, introduced a fundamental transformation that affected the way goods, services, and assets are exchanged. As a result of its distributed ledgers based on blockchain, cryptocurrencies not only offer some unique advantages to the economy, investors, and consumers, but also pose considerable risks to users and challenges for regulators when fitting the new technology into the old legal framework. The core of this proposed book is to present and discuss the evidence on financial asset capabilities of virtual currencies, with more emphasis on Bitcoin. Bitcoin for example may be useful in risk management and ideal for risk-averse investors in anticipation of negative shocks to the market. Virtual currencies are experiencing an increasing popularity in the financial markets and in portfolio management as can be classified as financial asset or commodities on a scale from pure medium of exchange advantages to pure store of value advantages.

Contact the chairmen to submit your paper to this SIG: stephane.goutte@univ-paris8.fr and khaled.guesmi@ipag.fr

Publication opportunity: "Handbook: Cryptofinance and Mechanism of Exchange" - published by Springer



SIG 3: AssurTech

SIG Chair: Dr. Ilaria DALLA POZZA, IPAG Business School

Contact the chairwoman to submit your paper to this SIG: ilaria.dallapozza@ipag.fr  


SIG 4: Digital Innovation and Tourism

SIG Chair: Dr. Emmanuel FRAGNIERE, Tourism Institute, HES-SO Valais-Wallis

Tourism is certainly one of the economic sectors that has been the most exposed to digitization over the last decade. Let us just mention companies like Easyjet, Ryanair, AirBnB and Uber that have contributed to a new form of tourism called e-tourism. Electronic tourism means that all touchpoints of the Customer Journey (CJ) are handled through global digitized platforms.  The change has been so sudden and disruptive that “traditional” tourism is struggling to adapt to this new tourism paradigm. The aim of this track is to discuss about this rapid evolution of e-tourism to understand it and to anticipate new trends and innovation potentials. We are interested in any kinds of approaches (theoretical, empirical as well as practitioner-oriented) to improve the general knowledge in digital innovation for tourism

Contact the chairman to submit your paper to this SIG: emmanuel.fragniere@hevs.ch


SIG 5: Ethical Sustainability of Digital Maturity 

SIG Chair: Dr. Fabio James PETANI, and Dr. Ishraf ZAOUI, INSEEC Business School, Chaire Digital, Innovation et IA 

Discourse on digital maturity, better appreciated processually as a transformation or maturing at several levels of the organization, is often associated with the adjective sustainable. Sustainability of gradual transformation or radical disruption of new digital business ecosystems requires a broader appreciation of the term sustainable, compared to its meaning in the strategy literature, such as « sustainable competitive advantage ». The economic transformation of networked markets (Parker, Van Alstyne & Choudary, 2016), with the emergence of machines, platforms and crowds  rebalancing a division of labour, respectively with minds, products and core competences and capabilities (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2017), raises new ethical challenges for business firms and society. What are the values that should underlie digital innovative practices linked to business practices and processes linked to emerging technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, big data analytics, blockchain, etc.) across functions and tasks (e-HRM, e-invoicing, CSR, etc.) ? Who, if anyone, and how should regulate digital innovation ? How to understand and define a specific digital ethics and sustainability?

Contact the chairman to submit your paper to this SIG: fjpetani@inseec.com


SIG 6: Open innovation, Crowd and Big data

SIG Chair: Dr. Anne-Laure BONCORI, INSEEC Business School

After Chesbrough’s revolutionary 2003 book, open innovation has become one of the hottest topics in managerial and academic literature on innovation (Huizingh 2011). Open innovation is a concept that refers to cooperative creation of ideas and applications outside of the boundaries of any single firm (Gassmann and Enkel 2004).  In his article, "Open Innovation: state of the art and future perspectives", Huizingh (2011) states that understanding openness is based on the study of practices that are linked to the question of "how to do it question". One way is to examine the role of crowd. Indeed, whereas firms rely primarily upon their suppliers and their suppliers' suppliers for new innovations, crowdsourcing is also crucial to shift towards more open innovation. Thus, the aim of this track is to discuss the links between open innovation, crowd (via crowdsourcing and crowdfunding), producers and consumers (consumers as co-producers). The interactions between these different elements and agents may be reinforced (or challenged) by making use of (big) data. Therefore, this track also welcomes papers that explore the influence of big data and analytics on innovation, management and diffusion of new practices within or outside organizations. 

Contact the chairwoman to submit your paper to this SIG: alboncori@inseec.com


Special issues of International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, & International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (Inderscience Publishers)




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